

Greta arrived at Ladybug Kitty Nursery on 1st May 2017 after being rescued together with her 6 kittens that were only 3 weeks old. The little family was in danger because they were living near some buildings where they weren’t wanted. It was a very dangerous place for them as in the past some of the cats were poisoned, hit by cars or trapped in order to be killed. Including one of Greta’s litter of kittens, as she couldn’t be trapped to be spayed by that time.
This time her rescuer brought Greta and her 6 kittens in her balcony for a few days. Her dogs didn’t like cats at all and that’s why she had to ask for help.
She isn’t affectionate and won’t come asking for cuddles, as she is rather shy around humans and she will always run and hide if you are in the same room with her. She loves to spend her days in the catio during Summer and that’s why she would be extremely happy if her future home will also have an outdoor enclosed garden.
Greta has had a hard life and tried her best to survive all by herself on the cruel streets of Romania. It is not her fault that she is like this and once you realize this, perhaps you can understand her. The traumas she endured are known only to her, but we can imagine that so many people scared and chased her away over the years and she was always terrified and traumatized. She grew up thinking that all humans are mean and she never learned to trust them. And a crowded foster home when nobody ever has any time, love and attention to give her, makes it even worse…
Greta Garbo is just like her namesake, an enigmatic soul with an exotic look and a simple life. She is a very beautiful girl, a caliby with a unique appearance, as she has a mixed calico with tabby and white coloration in her coat. And her eyes are simply amazing! She already had her share of drama and now it’s time to shine. Can you “rescue” her from here? She doesn’t need to be a diva, only to feel like she belongs to somewhere.
Greta is a girl that never heard the sound of a loving mama talking to her gently and she never enjoyed the feel of a gentle hand on her head… So if you want to adopt a cat that really needs you, please consider Greta, she may be safe, but not happy at all…

Please note:
– Greta would need a family that will be patient with her while she learns to trust them and she is ideally suited to a quiet home, with no young children